Teeth can be straightened with the help of clear, removable aligners. Your orthodontist carefully considers your individual dental needs to fine tune your aligners so that they fit well and best suit you. This way, you have an unencumbered experience. An Invisalign® specialist will first evaluate your smile to understand your precise needs. He will then create a customized plan to transform your smile, step by step. A new set of teeth aligners will then be created for you based on the specification of your treatment plan. For the treatment to be effective, you will need to swap out a tray (aligner) every few weeks. Finally, as you progress through the steps of your treatment plan, you will notice the gentle shift in your teeth with each set of aligners, until you achieve your beautiful new smile.
By using Invisalign® treatment instead of traditional metal braces, orthodontists can reduce treatment time and discomfort for patients. The treatment plan can differ based on the severity of your dental problems. A course of eighteen months is recommended for patients with more demanding needs, according to our team’s estimates.
The cost of Invisalign® treatment insurance depends largely on your insurance carrier and their policy. Keller Family Dental offers the option to make inexpensive monthly payments so that you don’t have to deal with the financial strain while getting your dental treatment. You can also take advantage of our CareCredit option, which allows you to pay as little as $159 each month.
Invisalign® treatment can be used by anyone who wishes to straighten their teeth and eliminate the gaps between them. Children, teens, and adults are all welcome at Keller Family Dental. Our dentists will evaluate your oral health and make a recommendation for Invisalign® treatment if necessary.
The Invisalign® treatment will progressively straighten your teeth. As part of this treatment, your dentist will typically prescribe a clear, customized retainer to help your teeth align. Since each person’s dental needs are unique, you should discuss your issues with your dentist first. The ultimate objective of the Invisalign® treatment is that you get a straight and lovely smile that you and everyone around you admire.